Substantive management

Impact results

1. Contribute to reducing the conditions of violation of the rights to health, sexual reproductive health, protection against violence, participation and free expression of children, women, migrants and families.

Intermediate results

1.1. Improve access to comprehensive protection systems against violence for children and adolescents with higher quality and warmth.
1.2. Improve prevention and access to comprehensive systems of sexual and reproductive health care for the prevention of pregnancies and risk situations for children and youth.
1.3. Strengthen leadership capacities that promote the right to participation and free opinion.
1.4. Empower NNA and young people in the instances of advocacy and legitimate representation.
1.5. Improve the conditions of habitability and peaceful coexistence of families and communities living in marginal urban and rural areas.
1.6. Contribute to improving access and quality care in health services for families.

2. Contribute to reducing the conditions of inequality in learning in primary education, and access and completion in secondary education.

2.1. Develop extracurricular psychopedagogical support programs that improve learning difficulties.
2.2. Support in the implementation of science and technology so that children and adolescents develop capacities, abilities and skills that allow them to investigate, experiment and create.
2.3. Strengthen educational management processes (pedagogical, community, administrative) through participatory processes of planning, monitoring and curricular concretion.
2.4. Assist in the complementary training and accompaniment of teachers, teachers and professors to improve their performance in the classroom with the use of information and communication technologies.
2.5. Contribute to improving the school infrastructure with adaptations and equipping of teaching and learning spaces.
2.6. Promote technical-productive training opportunities in secondary education, aligned and relevant to the vocations and productive potential of the territory.

3. Improve the productive capacities of adolescents, workers and adults by strengthening access to technical productive training and job placement according to the vocations and territorial potentialities.

3.1. Strengthen the curricular, technical and administrative capacity of technical and technological training centers based on vocations and productive potentialities (demands of the labor market).
3.2. Strengthen the management of networks for employment, entrepreneurship and the operation of labor intermediation services for working adolescents and young people.
3.3. Consolidate the empirical capacities of working adolescents, youth and adults through short courses and specialized labor, technical and technological training processes that improve their productivity.
3.4. Strengthen and diversify the means of production and marketing of producer families living in rural areas.


Impact result

4. CEMSE operational and sustainability conditions strengthened.

Intermediate results

4.1. Strengthen the capacity for human resource management, complementary training, and spiritual and values formation.
4.2. Strengthen the capacity to manage fixed assets.
4.3. Strengthen the installation of processes and instruments for managing for results (includes information systems, coordination and decision-making).
4.4. Formulate and implement institutional policies for gender equity, human rights, environmental sustainability, and healthy and safe environments.
4.5. Strengthen the sale of services and products (includes consulting services and technical assistance).
4.6. Strengthen the capacity for resource mobilization, project cycle management, and accountability with international cooperation and private companies.

Political management

Impact result

5. Capacity of knowledge management, legitimacy and incidence in the management of public policies, developed.

Intermediate results

5.1. Strengthen strategic alliances with state institutions, social organizations, platforms and networks at the central, departmental and municipal levels.
5.2. Develop processes of systematization, research, exchange of experiences and production of knowledge in education and health.
5.3. Develop strategies for the transfer of good practices.
5.4. Develop a communication strategy (institutional image, communication campaigns, spaces for socialization of the interventions, results and accountability of CEMSE).

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