CEMSE la paz
In the Municipality of La Paz, CEMSE has as its main areas of action: the North Zone, the Central Zone and the Miraflores Zone.
We provide health and education services to students, families, teachers and teachers of 32 Educational Units, from our main building which is the headquarters of the National Office and which houses the CEMSE La Paz Health Center.
CEMSE has been a model for the construction of more than 20 Multi-Service Centers throughout the country. We currently work in La Paz, El Alto, Pucarani, Sucre and Cochabamba, offering different education, health and local development services through the dynamization of economies.
We work with parents, teachers, boys, girls, adolescents and young people, popular health officials, school brigades, productive and entrepreneurial communities. We have interdisciplinary work teams, made up of educators, doctors, nurses, engineers, mathematicians, physicists, business administrators, auditors, communicators, agronomists, classroom teachers, and facilitators.